Why regular dental cleanings are beneficial

We get it.

Really, we do. 

We know that the dental office is perhaps the place every one of us avoids the most (aside from maybe the in-laws house..or the DMV) 

Maybe it’s the thought of having various sharp tools being flung about around your head while you lay seemingly helpless, armored only by a thin blue bib that we’re all supposed to act like doesn’t make us feel like were 3 years old again. 

Or maybe it’s the aggressive 6 million watt light that hangs just a bit too close to your face, which we know isn’t alive…but somehow peers directly into your soul. Whatever it is your hiding…..it knows. 

It could be the dreaded “walk of shame” from our chair to the bathroom. Bib on, a little toothpaste plastered to your cheek, and your hair looking a bit like you’ve stuck it out of the window of a flying plane. 

Perhaps you’re just not looking forward to flossing your teeth 3 minutes before your appointment with panic-ridden, reckless abandon, and telling your hygienist you are an avid and dedicated daily flosser. 

We know you’re not…but we’ll smile and congratulate you anyways and we very much appreciate the effort.


These concerns, as well as any other preconceived fears you have around coming to the dentist are enough to keep anyone away, and blissfully convinced that their daily brushing and flossing (stop it we know you’re not flossing) is enough to maintain optimal oral health.  Luckily, our staff here at Angus Square are highly trained in the art of patient comfortability, fun....and evidently, Irish dancing. How does that apply to dentistry? Come see us and you might find out...


While the main priority of your Hygiene appointment is to ensure that your teeth and gums are clean and healthy, your dental team is also doing other routine checkups to make sure your all around health is stable. Blood pressure checks, and routine head and neck exams are just a couple of ways your Dentist is keeping track of your overall health at your routine cleaning. 

So basically, while we pull out that popcorn kernel shard from behind your back molar (we won’t ask how long its been since you’ve had popcorn)  we’re simultaneously screening you for early detection of issues like diabetes, and swollen lymph nodes or thyroid.  


It’s a win-win for everyone. 

...except maybe the popcorn shard.  Godspeed my friend.

Sam Harker1 Comment