
Dr. Sam Harker and Angus Square Dental team are extracting wisdom teeth using IV sedation while our awesome patient sits calm and comfortable.  She is even giving us a thumbs up! 


IV sedation

50% of people admit to some form of anxiety visiting the dentist. Roughly 1 in 6 people avoid seeing Dental professionals because of it. To ease anxiety, here at Angus Square Dental we offer sedation methods that help patients relax during dental treatment.

Unlike general anesthesia which achieves complete unconsciousness, IV sedation reduces consciousness to a controllable level. Patients aren't so much "asleep" as in a "semi-awake" state that is safe and effective for reducing anxiety.

Pre-op and Post-op instructions for IV sedation procedures

1. Contact us prior to your appointment if there are any health changes. 

2. You must arrange to have someone accompany you to and from your appointment and plan to have them stay with you for 6 hours after your appointment.

3. Nothing to eat or drink 6 hours before your appointment.

4. Clear liquids are permitted up to 2 hours prior to appt. (see examples below)

  • Black coffee or tea (sugar allowed but no milk, cream or whitener)

  • Water

5. Please do not wear nail polish or perfume. 

6. Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing. A short sleeved shirt is best. We provide blankets if needed.

7. if you are taking medications or are a diabetic, please ask for any special instructions.

8. Visit the bathroom before you are seated for your appointment.

9. Coughs and colds can interfere with the sedation process. If you are feeling ill in the days preceding your appointment please advise our office. 

 Post Operative instruction for sedation appointments

1. You must NOT drive or operate machinery for 24 hours, as dizziness/drowsiness may persist. 

2. Do not travel by public transportation.

3. you must refrain from drinking alcohol for 24 hours after appointment.

4. Avoid hot and cold beverages as the numbing may last for 2-4 hours; Be careful not to bite your lip or tongue. 

5. Pain medication may be taken as directed, but do NOT exceed the instructed dose. 

6. Please have someone home with you for 6 hours after your appointment



If you have questions or concerns, contact the office (509) 783-4194. After hours you may call (509) 783-0525